C Developer – Senior/Expert

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Podsumowanie AI ✨ – szybka analiza oferty

Bluefield poszukuje doświadczonego Senior/Expert C Developera do pracy nad prototypami i produktami w dziedzinie networkingu komputerowego. Wymagane są 5+ lat doświadczenia komercyjnego, biegłość w języku C, znajomość systemów Linux/Unix, oraz komunikatywność w języku angielskim. Firma oferuje atrakcyjne benefity, możliwość pracy zdalnej lub hybrydowej oraz szanse na rozwój kariery.

Szczegóły Oferty

Who are we looking for

We are looking for a Senior/Expert C Developer to join our team.


  • Working on prototype projects as well as products in computer networking.
  • Ensuring that telcos, data centers, or ISPs stay up-to-date on the latest technologies and contribute to a faster, more efficient, and interconnected world.
  • Contributing to open-source projects and upholding principles of open coding and development.
  • Maintaining high-quality code as it will be visible in open-source projects.
  • Collaborating with a team of experts and potentially advancing to an architect role.

About the Project

The project involves tasks on the Vector Packet Processing (VPP) hosted at fd.io. The Fast Data Project (FD.io) aims to provide the world’s fastest and most secure networking data plane through VPP, which implements various network routing, switching protocols, and crypto protocols. Assignments will be based on customer requirements or the company’s network functions (cdnf.io).



  • Follow-up/Higher Professional Education
  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree

Required Skills

  • 5+ years of commercial experience as a C Developer.
  • Fluency in C without needing to reference syntax.
  • Preference for Unix and Linux experience.
  • SCRUM experience and English communication skills (B2 level).
  • A clean criminal record.

As a plus

  • Experience with sockets and networking.
  • Familiarity with shells and Bash.
  • Knowledge of network and communication protocols, server settings, and cloud systems management.

Employee perks, benefits

  • Challenging tasks and freedom in a distributed international team.
  • Motivated colleagues and fair salary based on knowledge.
  • 20 work days of vacation, state holidays, and a birthday day off (Full-Time Employees).
  • Sick leave cover (5 days).
  • Full-time long-term contract.
  • Remote work possibility and office option.
  • Additional holidays and benefits with tenure (e.g., an extra one-month paid holiday after 5 years).

Information about the selection process

In case you think this is the right job for you and fulfill the criteria mentioned in this job ad, do not hesitate to send us your CV.

Technologie i Umiejętności

Cloud Systems
Networking Protocols
Open Source
Wyświetlenia: 99